What is the location and phone number of the Dubuque Law Enforcement Center?
The Dubuque Law Enforcement Center (DLEC) is located at 770 Iowa Street, Dubuque, Iowa 52001. The administrative number to contact the police department is (563) 589-4410. The administrative number to contact the sheriff`s office is (563) 589-4400. For emergencies always dial 9-1-1. For non-emergencies, call dispatch at (563) 589-4415.

What hours is the Dubuque Law Enforcement Center open?
Police Dept. at 770 Iowa St open - 8 AM to 5 PM. Sheriff Office at 770 Iowa St open - 8 AM to 4:30 PM. Records Division at 855 Central open - 8 AM to 4:30 PM.

How do I obtain an official copy of a report?
A report can be obtained by contacting the records division of the police department at 855 Central or by calling (563) 589-4443 for more information. There is a $10.00 fee for each report.

How do I pay for a parking ticket?
A parking ticket can be paid at City Hall at 50 w 13th St., or the Parking Division at 830 Bluff St., or it can be mailed in the envelope provided.

How do I pay for a traffic ticket?
A traffic ticket can be paid at the County Clerks office in the Dubuque County Court House. The fine and citation can also be mailed to the Clerk of Court. You can also pay online by going to the Iowa Courts website and clicking on the Pay Fines Online link at http://www.iowacourts.gov/ . The home page of this P2C website has a link.

Where can I go to obtain an Iowa drivers license?
An Iowa drivers license can be obtained at the Drivers License Bureau at 2460 Gateway Drive, Dubuque, IA 52003. The phone number is (563) 583-9844.

How does a citizen get fingerprinted for employment or other purposes?
Fingerprinting is available to citizens for employment or other purposes, but it is done by appointment only. Fingerprinting is available by appointment on Tuesdays between 12:00 P.M. and 2:00 P.M. or Wednesdays between 2:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. Call (563)589-4443 to schedule an appointment. The cost is $5 per fingerprint card. For scheduling options, pricing, and other information, please view http://www.cityofdubuque.org/2415/Fingerprinting. You can also contact the Dubuque County Sheriff`s Office at 563-589-4420 for scheduling.

How do I contact the County Jail?
Please call (563)589-4420.

How do I apply for a weapon permit?
Please click on the Dubuque County Sheriff link on the P2C home page and then click on the Weapon Permits link on the Sheriff`s website.

What are street parking restrictions and snow route parking?
Please visit the city parking information site. http://cityofdubuque.org/210/Parking

How do I retrieve a vehicle that has been impounded/towed?
The following procedure must be completed if the vehicle was impounded/towed for an INSURANCE VIOLATION (see below for other reasons): 1> The no insurance citation must be satisfied. This means that the person issued the citation has obtained a court order to release the vehicle or else paid the fine. Proof of this is obtained from the Clerk of Court. If the cited person has proof that there was insurance coverage on your vehicle at the time the citation was issued, that paperwork should be presented to the Clerk of Court. 2> The motor vehicle must then be properly re-registered at the County Treasurer’s Office. 3> The owner must obtain valid insurance for the motor vehicle. 4> The receipt from the Clerk of Court verifying the citation has been satisfied, proof of registration (plates & registration form), and proof of insurance can then be brought to the Dubuque Law Enforcement Center at 770 Iowa Street. A Shift Commander, or his/her designee, will review the paperwork. If everything is in order, a call will be placed to the wrecker service to authorize the release from impound following payment of the $20 City of Dubuque vehicle impound administrative fee at the DLEC. 5> Any towing fees or storage fees will have to be paid to the wrecker service before the they will release the vehicle. The following procedure must be completed if the vehicle was impounded/towed for OTHER REASONS: 1> 1.The owner needs to come to the Dubuque Law Enforcement Center at 770 Iowa Street to resolve the issue of why the vehicle was towed (such as outstanding parking tickets) and to pay the $20 City of Dubuque vehicle impound administrative fee. 2> Any towing fees or storage fees will have to be paid to the wrecker service before the they will release the vehicle.

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